The difference between a Solar Production Guarantee and a Warranty.

Solar Production Guarantees and Solar Warranties – Comparison at a Glance
Is there a financial benefit to choosing a Warranty over a Production Guarantee?
Do Production Guarantees have any gaps I should be aware of?
What’s the overall cost for each option?
Simply put, a Production Guarantee differs greatly from the Solar Insure Warranty.
Here’s an overview of the difference between a Production Guarantee and a Warranty.
What’s the Solar Insure difference?
Solar Insure only works with high quality contractors that have a high level of customer ratings with service departments that want to service their homeowner and C&I customers directly, not from a third party. For our Certified Installers we have a 30-year monitoring software and warranty that is insurance backed that is included for new installs only at this time.
Only Solar Insure includes monitoring software, parts, labor and roof penetrations for 30 years at a one-time fee. Our monitoring software is for you, the contractor, to streamline monitoring and service work to have a revenue stream for that service work. Only Solar Insure will pay up to 2 truck rolls per claim, including the initial diagnostic truck roll if needed and unlimited claims for 30 years. Solar Insure covers the labor to replace defective solar components. Labor rates are dependent on geographic regions. We are the only one that covers manufacture default through AM Best A+ rated insurance carriers, and they step in and cover the part if the manufacturer goes out of business or fails to support the product. Only Solar Insure has NO monthly payments and Zero deductibles for our monitoring software/claims processing for 30 years.

Frequently Asked Questions
To Help You Choose Which Is Right For You
Is there a financial benefit to choosing a Warranty over a Production Guarantee?
Production guarantees end when you stop paying monthly fees; some companies will cancel your guarantee if you’re 5 days late on a payment.
With 30-Year Monitoring and Warranty from Solar Insure, you’re covered from day one for 30 years because monitoring and coverage come with your installation from our Certified Installers. Solar Insure charges zero monthly fees and has no deductibles.
Do Production Guarantees have any gaps I should be aware of?
- Read the fine print – some production guarantees require that panels must be washed 2-4 times per year, or else the production guarantee is obsolete.
- Degradation clause – kWh degrades and reduces by 5% in the first year and .5% yearly after that.
- Production payouts for underperforming systems may only be quarterly or annually and do not fully compensate for the utility costs.
What’s the overall cost for each option?
Production guarantees have other financial implications, including:
- Monthly payments (possibly not a fixed rate).
- A late payment could render the contract void.
- Issues that arise from production failure are not always fixed (depending on the contract).
- Extra repair work could require change order forms with out-of-pocket expenses.
- Out-of-pocket expenses if repairs are outside the scope of the production guarantee contract.
- Manufacturer and contractor default or bankruptcy can leave you with a bill
Solar Insure honors the 30-Year Warranty for 30 years.
- Monitoring
- Parts & Labor
- Roof Penetrations within 3”
What’s the difference between a production guarantee and a warranty?
A lot.. to say the least. Read more about the differences here.
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Ara Agopian
Founder & CEO

Eric Ryan

Dean Chiaravallotti

Ryan Huett
VP of Engineering

Tabitha Partin
VP of Operations
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