General Information First Name Last Name Job Title Corporate Email Website Full Corporate Legal Name DBA (Doing Business As) Corporate Phone Number Personal Phone Number Corporate Street Address City State/Province Zip/Postal Code State of Incorporation Year Business was Established Years of Owner’s Experience in Industry Company Type (select all that apply) Please select... Commercial Installer Financial Institution Master Reseller Residential Installer Sales Organization Service Provider Solar Software PlatformHold the CTRL button and click all that apply to select multiple options Briefly Describe Your Company’s Industry Experience and Your Leadership Team’s Industry Experience Agreements I agree to give Solar Insure access to fleet level monitoring. I agreeSolar Insure’s monitoring will be added through Solar Insure’s Software. This allows Solar Insure to help with preventative maintenance on homeowners component failure. I agree to add an addendum provided by Solar Insure to our Homeowner-facing Sales Contract explaining the Solar Insure Product. I agreeSolar Insure’s addendum protects and informs the homeowners on what what their protection plan entails. I agree to provide and require Solar Insure’s online training to sales representatives. I agreeSolar Insure is dedicated to protecting the end customer from misinformation on Solar Insure’s coverage. We provide educational training our protection plan and how to utilize our coverage regarding reimbursement. I agree to meet Solar Insure’s volume requirement of at least 10 installs per month. I agreeSolar Insure’s Certified installers are committed to providing Solar Insure to all qualifying homeowners. Upon approval, I agree that I will allow a Solar Insure representative to train my sales staff and any outside sales organizations that I use on how to properly sell, market, and register Solar Insure’s warranty product.I agree Installation Information What Is the Average Number of Installs per Month? Please include actual numbers, not forecasted. What Was Your Total Number of Solar Installs in the Last Quarter? Standard Labor Rate Truck Roll Rate Written Safety Program in Place?Please select... Yes No Do You Subcontract or Outsource Installation Work? Please select... Yes No If Yes, What Percentage of Your Installation Business Is Subcontracted/Outsourced? Do You Use Any Outside Sales Organizations?Please select... Yes No If Yes, How Many Outside Sales Organization Are Used? Types of Inverters Used (Select All That Apply) Please select... Enphase Solar Edge Generac AP Systems Sol-Ark Hoymiles NEP Panasonic Tigo SMA Tesla Qcell FranklinWH Sonnen OtherHold the CTRL button and click all that apply to select multiple options What Percentage of Your Business Is Cash Financed? (Not Leased or TPO) Contractors License Type Contractors License # How Long is your Workmanship Warranty? Please Provide Your Ohm Analytics ID Do You Have Any Workmanship, Quality, or Manufacturer Awards? Are You Part of Any Industry Associations? What States Are You Licensed to Sell and/or Install In? Please Attach the License for the State You Are Headquartered In Software Information What CRM Does Your Organization Use? What Project Management Tools Do You Use? What Proposal Software Do You Use? Insurance Information What Is Your General Liability Insurance Policy Number? Who Is Your General Liability Insurance Insurance Carrier? What Are Your Current General Liability Insurance Limits? General Liability Policy Expiration Date What Are Your Current Worker’s Compensation Insurance Limits? Any Insurance Claims in the Past 5 YearsPlease select... Yes No Describe Your Insurance Claims Any OSHA Violations in the Past 5 Years?Please select... Yes No Describe Your OSHA Violation Please Provide a Copy of Your General Liability Certificate of Insurance Any Additional Info You Would Like to Share? Primary Company Contacts Please provide contact information for individuals who have decision making authority regarding Solar Insure partnerships. CEO/President's Email Operations Email Accounting/Finance Contact Email Warranty Submission Email This is the main point of contact who will be submitting warranties and who can answer warranty-related questions Customer Service Phone Number reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA.