Solar Insure 101
Welcome to Solar Insure 101, your ultimate resource for all things Solar Insure. This page is here to help you understand what the Solar Insure Monitoring & Warranty covers. We understand the importance of protecting your solar investments, and that’s why we offer warranty solutions tailored to your needs. Our dedicated team of experts are committed to providing you with the peace of mind you deserve. If you have any questions or need assistance, our resource center is here to help. Explore our informative guides and reach out to our knowledgeable support team to ensure your solar energy future remains bright.
30-Year Solar Monitoring and Warranty
What is it?
Solar Insure’s 30-Year Solar Monitoring and Warranty product offers the industry’s longest, most extensive insurance-backed coverage.
What does it cover?
It covers panels, inverters, optimizers, and racking. If any of these components turn out to be defective, our product warranty also covers the labor associated with their replacement. However, it’s important to note that the labor rates may vary based on the geographic region. In addition to these benefits, any roof penetrations made during the installation process are guaranteed for 30 years. If there ever arises a need to transfer ownership of the solar system, customers can be assured there will be no transfer fee charged.
Who can buy this product?
Homeowners can get this product through a Solar Insure’s Certified Installer on a new installation.

Does the warranty coverage lapse?
This warranty has no deductible and is included in the contract price at the time of purchase and does not lapse over the 30 years.
Overview of the Claims Process
1. As a homeowner, if your installer is still in business, you will contact them directly and start a claim.
2. The solar contractor issues the RMA with the manufacturer.
3. The solar contractor will then perform the work and invoice the homeowner/Solar Insure for the balance.
4. The solar contractor then files the claim with Solar Insure to be reimbursed.
What manufacturers are covered?
You can view up-to-date covered manufacturers on our Approved Vendor List page.
Why do I need it?
For assurance that your system is protected, including Parts, Labor, and Roof Penetrations, for a span of 30 years—this exceeds the typical coverage offered by both contractors’ and manufacturers’ warranties.
Frequently Asked Questions from Homeowners
You can find answers to frequently asked questions, here.
What is Solar Insure Monitoring?
Solar Insure Monitoring is a tool that allows Solar Contractors to view multiple accounts from the most utilized manufacturers in a single, efficient location. By consolidating information from each approved vendor platform into one central location, contractors can effectively assess and prioritize repair and customer service needs.
Who uses Solar Insure Monitoring?
Solar Insure Monitoring is used by our Certified Installers.
Why do I need it?
An extra set of eyes to see that your system is functioning properly to support peace of mind.
How does it work?
Installers can monitor systems through Solar Insure’s platform called Daybreak.

20-Year Battery Warranty
What is it?
Solar Insure’s unique 20-Year Battery Monitoring and Warranty is a game changer for homeowners, providing parts, labor, and replacement for battery storage systems.
What does it cover?
- Parts & Labor, $0 deductible for covered claims
- Replacement Below 30% Capacity over a certain timeframe
- Monitoring software allows installers to stay on top of service calls and claims processing
- Hassle-free Online Claims
- Free Ownership Transfer
- 5 Star Customer Support by Solar Insure Approved Battery Vendor List
Who can buy this product?
Homeowners can get this product through a Solar Insure’s Certified Installer on a new installation as an add-on product to the 30-Year Monitoring and Warranty.

Does the warranty cover lapse?
No, the warranty converge does not lapse.
What manufacturer’s are covered?
An updated list of Battery manufacturers covered by Solar Insure can be found on the Solar Insure Approved Vendor List.
Why do I need it?
For assurance that your system is protected, including Parts, Labor, and Roof Penetrations, for a span of 30 years—this exceeds the typical coverage offered by both contractors’ and manufacturers’ warranties.
5 Star Customer Service
How They Help Homeowners and Contractors
Our stellar customer service helps Solar Insure Certified Installers shine and helps homeowners connect with the right contractor through Solar Insure.
Examples of Calls
When customers call Solar Insure they are immediately greeted by a caring person who will stop at nothing to help them solve their issue, locate their documents, or find another installer in case their original installer went out of business. Our team is here to help guide solar adopters toward the most successful solar experience and that means bringing peace of mind to every caller.
“I contacted the company because my system was not working, and my solar company had gone out of business. They immediately contacted me and walked me through resetting and troubleshooting my system. They recommended companies to help get my system back up and running. I was so pleasantly surprised and impressed that they were willing to spend so much time helping me even though I do not have an account with them. There are still great people and companies willing to help others out even if they are not clients! Thank you, Valerie, for sharing so much information and support!” – Meagan Patterson
“Great customer service! I called because my solar panel installers went out of business and I didn’t know what to do. The lady I spoke with (can’t recall her name, sorry), but she answered all my questions, sent me detailed text messages explaining her answers and also explained what to say to the buyers of my home I’m trying to sell. Great company and perfect advice and knowledge!” – Brandon Decker
“I contacted the company because my system was not working, and my solar company had gone out of business. They immediately contacted me and walked me through resetting and troubleshooting my system. They recommended companies to help get my system back up and running. I was so pleasantly surprised and impressed that they were willing to spend so much time helping me even though I do not have an account with them. There are still great people and companies willing to help others out even if they are not clients! Thank you, Valerie, for sharing so much information and support!” – Meagan Patterson

How to File a Claim
If the Contractor is insolvent, how do I get my solar system serviced?
Contact Solar Insure directly and we will work with you to find a new service provider in your area to get your system issues taken care of, as per our guidelines.
If Contractor is in business:
Working with your installer on a claim:
#1 – The solar contractor issues the RMA with the manufacturer.
#2 – The solar contractor will then perform the work and invoice the homeowner/Solar Insure for the balance.
#3 – The solar contractor then files the claim with Solar Insure to be reimbursed.
How do I file a claim?
Once you’ve contacted Solar Insure, your new service provider will file your claim with the same process above.