Solar Insure Manufacturer Vetting
As a long-term obligor on the warranty side, we take a rigorous engineering approach in reviewing the manufacturers we work with, especially on the inverter side. From our perspective, the inverter is the weakest link in the solar array when it applies to reliability and the effects on our loss ratio. If an inverter manufacturer becomes insolvent, we become responsible for replacement and/or payment for the failed component.
Some of our testing methods include:

- Determine the minimum and maximum product operating temperature limits
- Accelerate the aging process of the device under test by applying extreme temperatures
- Test the device under various climatic and pressure (i.e., altitude) conditions
- Burn-in the device under elevated temperatures at a high duration rate

- Determine the effects of high/low humidity on the device
- Find latent shorts on PCBs related to humidity (typically due to ion migration)
- Accelerate the aging process of the device by applying extreme humidity conditions
- Test the device under global humidity and pressure (i.e., altitude) conditions

- Determine the maximum product operating vibration levels
- Find mechanical defects early in the work-in-process cycle
- Simulate global transportation conditions on the device

Our approach to vetting solar inverter manufacturers must be thorough and well-considered, particularly given the critical role of inverters in solar array systems and the potential liability associated with their failure.
- Temperature Testing:
- Assessing the operating temperature limits is crucial for ensuring inverters can withstand the range of temperatures they might encounter in different geographical locations.
- Accelerated aging through extreme temperature exposure helps evaluate long-term reliability and potential failure points that might not be apparent under normal conditions.
- Testing under varied climatic and pressure conditions, including high altitudes, ensures that the inverters can maintain performance in diverse environments.
- Humidity Testing:
- Humidity can significantly impact electronic devices, and testing inverters under high and low humidity conditions assesses their resilience to environmental variations.
- Identifying latent shorts on printed circuit boards (PCBs) caused by humidity is vital for preventing future failures, as ion migration can lead to the deterioration of electrical pathways.
- Like temperature testing, using extreme humidity conditions to accelerate aging can reveal potential long-term issues.
- Vibration Testing:
- Determining the maximum vibration levels an inverter can withstand is essential for ensuring structural integrity, especially during transportation or in locations subject to movement (like wind or seismic activity).
- Identifying mechanical defects early in production helps improve overall product quality and reduce the likelihood of in-field failures.
- Simulating global transportation conditions verifies the robustness of the inverters against the physical stresses they might encounter during shipping and installation.
By implementing these testing methods, we are ensuring the quality and reliability of the inverters and protecting the industry from potential future liabilities associated with warranty claims.
This approach is particularly prudent considering the potential for manufacturer insolvency, which could leave you responsible for replacing or compensating for failed components.
In addition to these tests, we may consider evaluating the inverters’ performance under different load conditions and their efficiency at various points in their operating range.
Ensuring compatibility with various solar panel types and configurations can also be crucial, as it affects the overall efficiency and reliability of the solar array systems you support.
*Panel Perspective
From the panel perspective, we follow Tier 1 guidelines found here.